
Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Te Kura Tuatahi: New Zealand's first school.

This week we have been doing activities and learning explore language for our reading. The easy part is to finish some activities because some activities are really easy, and some are hard. The hard part is to answer the hard question for some of my activities.
What did I do well? I finished all my activities in the time given.

Which activity challenged me the most? Was Exploring Language because I did not know what compose meant.

What did I do about it? Found the meaning and learnt about that word so I understood it.

Which activity was the easiest for me. How can I extend myself next time? I can improve on exploring my language more.

Thursday, 23 August 2018


This week we have been learning about Taumarere and we chose a question to research on. The easy part was to think of a question. The hard part was to find the right information. Her is an example of my work.

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Project Island.

This week we are learning a little bit about our trip that we are going on 31 of August. The easy part was to gather facts about my questions. The hard part was to find good and interesting facts about my questions. For example here is a link for my work.

                                     Project Island Song

Monday, 20 August 2018

Deca Tree

Today we were problem solving for maths and I thought it was easy because all it really was, was subtracting and addition. The easy part was to subtract and add. The hard part was to figure out how to work it out, but at first it was hard. When I got into it, it was really easy. For example.

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Beluga Whales.

Last week we had to write a report writing about any animal that we do not know. For example beluga whale that is my whale. The hard part was to find the right facts for my subheadings. The easy part was to organise my facts into sentences and paragraphs. Here is my story, If you have anything to say about my story put it in the comments. Good Luck. 

Roman Numerals.

This week on Friday I was learning about roman numerals for maths with me friends and I think it is really fun. I think the hard part is when you're first getting to know what they are you won't understand the symbles very well, because it is hard at first. The easy part is to search up an example of roman numerals, so you do know what your doing. Do you know what roman numerals are? If yes comment down bellow. But if you don't know what roman numerals are here is a link of my google docs about roman numerals. 

                                       Roman Numerals